VIVALDI Manual for disease management and biosecurity

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By Milthon Lujan

The VIVALDI Manual for bivalve disease management and biosecurity is now finalized!

Through a co construction approach involving scientists, decision-makers, hatcheries and producers from the main European producing countries, we have identified recommendations to better prevent, mitigate and control bivalve diseases.

It is important to say that this Manual does not have regulatory goals but it aims to provide technical advice to assist in the implementation of shellfish health legislation.

For each recommendation, a brief description is provided as well as the benefits and main limitations. Recommendations are organized according to communication, governance and technical issues. In addition, a glossary has been compiled to provide the precise definitions of the terms used.

Reference (open access)
Arzul I, Furones D, Cheslett D, Gennari L, Delangle E, Enez F, Lupo C, Mortensen S, Pernet F and Peeler E (2021) Manual for bivalve disease management and biosecurity – H2020 VIVALDI Project – 44p 

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