
Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2018 – LACQUA18 event

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By Milthon Lujan

Bogota, Colombia.- We are pleased to announce the realization of the Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2018 – LACQUA18 event, which will be developed together with the VIII Colombian Aquaculture Congress – VIII CCA at the Ágora Convention Center, Bogotá, from October 23 to 26, 2018. These events are organized by the National University of Colombia, the Colombian Federation of Aquaculture FEDEACUA and the Latin American & Caribbean Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society LACC / WAS.

On this occasion we will have the participation at the opening plenary of LACQUA18 of Dr. Alejandro Flores Nava, Senior Officer of Fisheries and Aquaculture for FAO and Dr. Sara Patricia Bonilla, Executive Director of the Colombian Federation of Aquaculture – FEDEACUA.

Dr. Flores is an Aquaculture Engineer from the Technological Institute of the Sea of Veracruz, Mexico with a Master’s degree in Aquaculture and Fisheries Administration from the Institute of Aquaculture of the University of Stirling in Scotland, where he also completed his PhD in Aquaculture Sciences. During his time in the academy, he generated more than 65 scientific articles and books and trained human resources, currently represented by independent researchers in various areas of knowledge that affect aquaculture. He worked as an international consultant in aquaculture, in the Program to Support the Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Central American Isthmus (PRADEPESCA) of the European Union; He has also been an expert of the International Cooperation of Mexico in countries of Central America and Cuba.

He joined the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) in 2009, where he has been Coordinator of the Multidisciplinary Team for South America, as well as FAO Representative in Argentina and Chile. He currently serves as Senior Officer of Fisheries and Aquaculture for Latin America and the Caribbean. In this work he has conducted processes such as the formulation of National Plans and Policies for the Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries in Argentina, Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. In FAO, he has led regional processes such as the creation of the Aquaculture Network of the Americas and the Forum of Parliamentarians of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean, mechanisms to promote the sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries; It has also conducted a regional program to strengthen the capacities of aquaculturists with limited resources, for their selfsustainability and inclusion in markets beyond their communities.

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Dr. Sara Patricia Bonilla is a Business Administrator of the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia, specializing in Innovation, Technological Development and Transfer of International Technologies in Germany and Master in International Relations at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia. Since 2004 his professional career has been developed in the area of aquaculture. She was Executive Vice President of Acuanal, a guild of shrimp producers in Colombia. She worked in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as National Technical Secretary of the Aquaculture Chain, while serving as advisor to the Colombian Federation of Aquaculture, FEDEACUA, a guild of which she is the Executive Director since 2012.

As Executive Director she leads the most important Quality Program in the Aquaculture sector in Colombia, which aims to implement Good Practices in Aquaculture that has had favorable results for the Colombian fish industry, reflected in the increase of Colombian exports, positioning the country as the second supplier of fresh tilapia fillet in the United States. Likewise, she leads the research group AQUASOST, recognized by Colciencias and a new formalization challenge in small Colombian fish producers.

This year is auspicious for aquaculture activity in a new Colombia, which faces challenges where we know that aquaculture is one of the activities that is providing
opportunities to weave peace networks, as well as to improve the quality of life and resilience of its population. Thus, we have proposed as the central axis, the
AQUACULTURE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PEACE NETWORKS (Aquaculture for peace), where we hope to have the presence of communities and entities committed
to aquaculture and peace who give testimony of reconciliation and progress in our region and in the world.

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Is also important to highlight that in th e last year Colombia has increased its exports offresh tilapia fillet, becoming the second country in the world exporting fresh tilapia to the United States, standing out for its strengths in the guild field, where the Colombian Federation of Aquaculture has played an essential role in the growth of the sector, empowering fish farmers to produce in a sustainable and competitive way. The continental fish culture is represented mainly by tilapia and trout, as well as by the native species cachama, yamú and bocachico; the aquaculture in Colombia has grown 6.00% in 2016 compared to the previous year and for the last decade 9.01%. During 2016, Colombia allocated 20% of the national production for the export market, with 7722 tons of fresh fillets exported. The fresh fillet concentrates 88% of exports to the United States and Canada. Fedeacua and the National Government support the increase of exportable products offer in order to catalog Colombia as the country that ships to the United States the most, among other products, fresh tilapia fillet. The Colombian production fulfills all international certifications such as ASC, Global Gap and BAP four stars.

It should be noted that Bogota, proud host of these events, is the largest city in the country. Located on the South American Andes, being recognized as a strategic place on the continent, with one of the most important airports in the region, standing out as an international center of business and studies, and starting point to the main aquaculture freshwater and marine production sites.

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According to the Greater Bogotá Convention Bureau, Bogotá was admitted by the Best Cities Global Alliance network, of which high-level destinations are considered to host congresses and conventions worldwide; thus, the Colombian capital has joined Berlin, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Dubai, Edinburgh, Houston, Melbourne, Vancouver and Tokyo and becomes -the only representative of Latin America in this group. The New York Times highlighted Bogotá as the 2nd tourist destination in the world to visit.

The ÁGORA International Convention Center is cataloged as the most modern in the country and one of the largest in the region. Thus, in ÁGORA there will be rooms for the presentation of research results (oral and poster), sessions for producers, mini-courses and trade fair, which will be composed of an exhibition area of 72 stands, for national and international providers that will present the latest advances in terms of equipment, supplies and services. There will also be the opportunity to participate in technical visits to fish companies of national recognition. After the success of the previous LACQUA congresses, held in Brazil, Peru and Mexico, we are sure that these events will attract the attention of the industry and the international scientific community.

Works will be received on various topics, among which are the most cultivated aquatic species in Colombia and in countries of the LACC area, with special focus on tilapia, trout, native South American fish and shrimp. Oral presentations, posters and abstracts may be made in Spanish, Portuguese or English. Submission of abstracts may be made until August 1, 2018 on the event page 

Information on how to participate as an assistant, commercial exhibitor and sponsor can be consulted at the link  or 

For more details and confirmation of receipt of this communication, please contact:
Carolina Amézquita
Móvil +57 3184669122

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