
Warn against a “gold rush” in the blue economy

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By Milthon Lujan

Norway.- In a comment published in the journal Nature Sustainability, international scientists urge world leaders to initiate measures ensuring equitable sharing of marine resource benefits and the minimization of burdens.

This autumn, several international political meetings are being held on the “blue economy”. The term refers to using the ocean and its resources in a sustainable way to promote economic growth, jobs and better living conditions for coastal populations. Oceans are lucrative investment areas for industries such as fisheries, aquaculture, bioprospecting, mineral extraction, renewable energy, oil and gas.

A group of international researchers, in which Nofima scientist Ann-Magnhild Solås took part, recently published a comment in the journal Nature Sustainability. Among other things, they encourage world leaders to discuss solutions that promote equitable sharing of benefits and minimization of harms when promoting further growth in the blue industries.

“We are pleased to see that coastal communities and marine ecosystems are now being discussed at several international summits, and hope that these discussions can result in global agreements and action plans that close regulatory gaps and ensure local communities’ influence over development in their areas,” says Ann-Magnhild Solås.

You can read the full comment here: Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economy

Contact person
Ann-Magnhild Solås
Phone: +47 900 96 189

Source: Nofima

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