
UHI has launched the 2nd round of its Aquaculture Industry Engagement Fund

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By Milthon Lujan

UK.- If your business is looking for funding for a short-term collaborative aquaculture project, have a look at the below, taken from the University of Highlands and Islands website – but don’t delay: the closing date for 2nd-round applications is the 30th November 2018.

The University of Highlands and Islands Aquaculture Hub brings together a unique collection of expertise and facilities located within the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. To further enable collaboration between Scotland’s Aquaculture Industry and the Aquaculture Hub, we announce the launch of the Aquaculture Industry Engagement Fund.

The Fund is designed to support short-term collaborative projects and to assist the aquaculture industry to access the university’s expertise and facilities. The Fund will enable businesses to innovate, progress new technology or techniques, develop bespoke training, and to support a sustainable aquaculture industry in Scotland.

The Fund at a glance

– The purpose of the Aquaculture Industry Engagement Fund is to encourage collaborations and partnerships between a company and the University of the Highlands and Islands.

– Grants are awarded in the region of £1,000 and £10,000, which covers the academic project costs and is paid directly to the university.

– Companies will be expected to make a contribution in cash or in kind (such as staff time, materials or equipment), or a combination of both.

– The project/feasibility study should be no longer than six months in length.

– The funds can be used to support research, training, networking or other activities that foster collaboration between the university and the aquaculture industry.

The first round of awards was completed in February 2018. A total of £42,000 was awarded to six projects, which enable the University of the Highlands and Islands to work directly with a number of industrial partners to explore new research opportunities and collaborations.

See also  Farming for the future: aquaponics partnership yields tons of veg and fish

View the factsheet Aquaculture Engagement Fund 2: 

Download the AIEF 2 guidance and application form: 

For further information, please phone 07384 246261 or email

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