
Two proposals granted within the latest EU call on Breed and Feed in Aquaculture

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By Milthon Lujan

The Netherlands.- WUR-ABG had two proposals granted within the latest EU call on Breed and Feed in Aquaculture (Innovative Action; H2020-BG-2018-2020; Blue Growth), where innovations will be implemented into the aquaculture chain.

AquaIMPACT: Genomic and nutritional innovations for genetically superior farmed fish to improve efficiency in European aquaculture (John Bastiaansen, Hans Komen and Kasper Janssen; DDW and WLR).

The objective of AquaIMPACT is to demonstrate and validate novel genomic and nutritional technologies for the European aquaculture industry. In this project the work package on genomic innovations will be led by WUR-ABG and our research activities will be on operational designs for genomic selection in aquaculture breeding, cost-benefit analyses and economic optimization of breeding programs for Europe’s major aquaculture species (Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, gilthead seabream and European seabass). Together with colleagues from the Plant Sciences Group and the company Dorset we will develop high throughput phenotyping and real-time selection of fish, based on robotics, image analysis, artificial intelligence and smart selection-algorithms.

FutureEUAqua: Future growth in sustainable, resilient and climate friendly organic and conventional European aquaculture (Wout Abbink; WLR).

FutureEUAqua will promote innovations in the whole value chain for aquaculture; including genetic selection, ingredients and feeds, non-invasive monitoring technologies, innovative fish products and packaging methods, optimal production systems, socioeconomic considerations and participation of a wide spectrum of stakeholders. WUR-ABG will oversee the research on the production of fish for the future, using tailor-made fish and feed, and validate fish performance and water quality in the cost-effective and resilient production systems RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) and IMTA (Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture). Colleagues from Wageningen Economic Research will make an economic model and an environmental model (LCA) that include the innovations from this project and compare this to the current value chain. In addition, WUR-ABG will make an extended review on wireless sensor technology for health and welfare monitoring to meet future demands in aquaculture.

See also  Growing Ideas: From crop waste to fish and chips

Source: Wageningen University & Research


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