
Minister Byrne Proclaims Aquaculture Week in Newfoundland and Labrador

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By Milthon Lujan

Canada.- The Honourable Gerry Byrne, Minister of Fisheries and Land Resources joined representatives from the Newfoundland and Labrador Aquaculture Industry Association (NAIA), to officially proclaim September 22-28 as Aquaculture Week.

Newfoundland and Labrador’s aquaculture industry is worth over $200 million annually to the provincial economy.

As part of The Way Forward, industry and the Provincial Government have partnered through the Cabinet Committee on Jobs, to support economic growth and foster private sector job creation. Government and NAIA have also jointly developed the Aquaculture Sector Work Plan, which includes actions that each of the partners will take to achieve the collective goal of growing the industry. The plan can be viewed online at link icon.

The recent announcement of the Grieg NL project in Placentia Bay supports government’s Way Forward commitment of achieving industry growth and food self-sufficiency targets of 50,000 metric tonnes for salmon and 10,750 metric tonnes for mussels. By 2022, targets for growth are expected to generate 1,100 person years of employment and support the province in increasing food self-sufficiency from 10 to 20 per cent.

Aquaculture Week is being held in conjunction with the 25th Anniversary of NAIA’s Cold Harvest Conference, taking place at the Delta Hotel and Convention Centre in St. John’s.

“In partnership with the aquaculture industry, we are pursuing opportunities and removing barriers to support sector growth and cultivate conditions that will foster new and expanding business activity and stimulate private sector employment. The growth of this industry translates into real socio-economic benefits for our rural, coastal and inland communities. This is indeed a year to celebrate.”
Honourable Gerry Byrne
Minister of Fisheries and Land Resources

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“This declaration of Aquaculture Week is symbolic of the close collaboration between industry and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to grow the farming of our oceans in a sustainable and environmental responsible manner. During Aquaculture Week we will celebrate the 25th Anniversary Cold Harvest Conference and Trade Show. Fittingly this year’s theme, ‘25 Years of Promoting Excellence in Aquaculture’, and is reflective of our Association’s mandate. During Aquaculture Week we will also celebrate the achievements of industry; growing premium seafood that is in high demand around the world and creating year-round employment opportunities in rural coastal communities”
Mark Lane
Executive Director, Newfoundland and Labrador Aquaculture Industries Association

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