
IQshrimp, the ultimate shrimp farmer software to be best informed and make his best decisions

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By Milthon Lujan

iQShrimp is a platform on the cloud designed for shrimp farmers to centralize all possible information from the ponds, the farm and its surrounding. With these best updated data, farmers are able to take their best decisions immediately. Data are supplied in a very user-friendly manner and all key metrics are visualized by priority, according to the user criteria (DO, Temperature or any water quality parameter, growth, feed consumption, FCR, estimated survival and biomass, etc…).

Many features of this program are customizable by each user. iQShrimp allows several access levels of users. According to his access level, each user can present accessible data the way he wants to, for his own usual analysis requirements as well as for his reporting tasks for his hierarchy.

Data can be fed from pond workers encouraged to enter data through a tablet or a smartphone directly from the pond. No more paper, no more hand calculation errors and no more delays in sending the data to the supervisor, to the biologist, to the owner!

As soon as the tablet or smartphone has a wifi or GSM connection, data, which had been stored on the hand device, are immediately sent to the cloud and available for the connected staff who can be monitoring the farm online.

Other sources of data are any connected device (either by wifi, GSM or ioT protocol): sensors, automatic feeders, aerators, pumping stations,… They will send updated measurement in real time. If the farm has already some specific connected devices, iQuatic Team can organize with the connected device manufacture the way to have the data sent automatically to iQShrimp dashboard.

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iQuatic Team has also included automatic update of weather forecast from the closest connected weather station, moon cycle, etc…

Better informed shrimp farmer is then capable to decide immediate corrections and adjustments without having to wait for the data report.

It has been observed in several shrimp farms that delay between measurements or observations on a pond and decision made by supervisor or biologist can be half a day, a whole day or even 2 or 3 days in large groups with remote and isolated facilities, during which this pond probably is not maximizing its performance.iQSrimp2

iQShrimp can also analyze historical data to build growth, feed consumption and survival models to help make production predictions and optimize harvest times for maximal profit. iQShrimp Team has the capacity to enter decades of data (stored so far in any file format) giving the opportunity to analyze past strategies. Results of this data analysis will help define and fine tune coming strategies! This is the power of data science provided by iQuatic Team! Machine learning process being included into iQShrimp will allow to keep bettering the prediction models from both historical and real time data.

The software stores the farm data which remain owned by the farmer and all farm data are incorporated to the data base in a strict anonymous way. Cargill Digital Insights is its own independent business and iQShrimp does not share personal farmer data with anyone, unless decided by the farmer.

In Mexico, Ecuador and Vietnam some shrimp farming groups (most with several farms) have started to use daily iQShrimp software.

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“Digital Transition Coachs” are supplied on site to help training farm workers, technicians, supervisors and biologists on the software.

The software is supplied through a monthly or yearly subscription. Cost is based on the number and size of ponds so that it is affordable for any size of farm and pays for itself thanks to its benefits it allows pond per pond. This software is not designed to increase feed consumption but to enhance pond performances. iQuatic does not want to give to the aquaculturists lessons of aquaculture but supply the best informing and decision making tool.

iQShrimp will be presented by most of iQuatic Team members from Ecuador, Mexico, the US and Singapore during AquaExpo 2018 in Guayaquil. This is a great opportunity to find out how useful this tool can be for any shrimp farmer. More at 

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