
Improved transparency in South Australia’s aquaculture industry

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By Milthon Lujan

South Australia’s $229 million aquaculture industry now has improved transparency with the release of extensive data in a State Government report published today.

‘ZONING IN: 2021 South Australian Aquaculture Report’ includes data and information on the regulatory framework, aquaculture activity by sector, environmental monitoring, compliance, escape and interactions, aquatic animal health, socio-economic impact, industry initiatives and challenges, and research relating to key aquaculture sectors.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development David Basham said the report covers both marine aquaculture along the state’s 3,800km of coast and land-based aquaculture, plus introduces the exciting new sector of marine algae farming for commercial purposes.

“South Australia’s aquaculture industry is a key driver for our state economy with an estimated 1084 jobs through direct employment and 1,423 flow-on jobs, created in 2019-20, with about 70% of these in regional SA,” Minister Basham said.

“This report provides a comprehensive account of the extensive range of the work being undertaken to ensure the appropriate management of our aquaculture sectors. This should provide the public and industry with confidence in the sustainable growth and management of this sector.

“The aquaculture industry in South Australia has developed significantly since the oyster sector first began commercial production in the 1980s. South Australia is now home to the most diverse range of aquaculture sectors in the nation, with tuna the largest single sector.

“With global demand for seafood increasing South Australia’s aquaculture industry plays a crucial role in our seafood production. Our state is considered to be one of the most valuable in terms of aquaculture in the nation, worth $229 million in 2019-20, an increase of 8 per cent from 2018-19.

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The release of this comprehensive report is about maintaining South Australia’s reputation for producing safe, sustainable, high-quality seafood products through clear regulation and transparency of outcomes, ensuring consistency and confidence as the Marshall Liberal Government supports the growth of our vital seafood sector.

In addition to the 423 marine-based aquaculture sites, the report details the 71 land-based licences in South Australia, which include private businesses, hatcheries, educational and research facilities, tourism and hobby farm businesses.

“These land-based aquaculture licences are located all over the state from the Eyre Peninsula in the west right down to the South East and in between,” Minister Basham said.

“The aquaculture sector – both marine and land-based – is of obvious importance to regional communities and will continue to be supported and promoted by the Marshall Liberal Government.”

To see the report in full visit:

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