
Formation of the Global Alliance for Innovation in Aquaculture

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By Milthon Lujan

Miembro alianza innovacion acuicultura 1

Puerto Varas, Chile – Today a historic step has been taken towards the future of global aquaculture. In a momentous meeting held with representatives of various institutions from America, Europe and Oceania, an agreement has been signed for the creation of the Global Alliance for Innovation in Aquaculture (IAIA). This agreement represents an unprecedented commitment to drive innovation in the aquaculture industry.

The founding institutions have decided to join forces to give life to this Alliance with the firm conviction that innovation is the fundamental pillar to consolidate efficient, diversified and sustainable aquaculture. This vision is aligned with the purpose of contributing to the production of food and other products of high value for human and animal health, promoting production processes that are based on sustainability, to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life throughout the world.

Aquaculture, in its magnitude and complexity, faces challenges that require holistic and collaborative solutions, with a special focus on innovation. In different countries and regions where aquaculture is practiced, there are organizations dedicated to research, development, innovation and financing, working on solutions for local and global problems.

In this sense, sharing processes, results and effects is of incalculable value to multiply knowledge, technology and innovation in aquaculture activity worldwide.

Innovation in Aquaculture Alliance

Innovation in aquaculture is essential to meet the growing demand for fish and seafood and ensure the long-term sustainability of the activity. As technology and research continue to advance, we are likely to see major advancements in this industry. In this sense, collaboration between institutions, governments and industry is essential to accelerate the development and adoption of these innovations in the different value chains of aquaculture species.

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Likewise, innovation in aquaculture not only benefits the industry itself, but also has a positive impact on global food security and the conservation of the oceans, rivers and lakes where it is practiced. As we move towards a future where food production is more sustainable, aquaculture is becoming a key player in promoting a balanced and environmentally friendly diet.

In this sense, the Alliance understands that innovation in aquaculture can be applied in the processes, products, marketing and governance of aquaculture activity.

Election of the Board of Directors

Representatives of institutions from Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, the United States, Scotland, Norway and Australia participated in the meeting, who expressed their agreement with the formation of the Alliance, and elected the first transitional Board of Directors that will be in charge of proposing the objectives and work guidelines, in addition to establishing the mechanisms and procedures so that institutions that wish to be part of the Alliance join.

The transitional Board of Directors is composed of:

  • Presidency: Jeanne McKnight, Executive Director of the Northwest Aquaculture Alliance, USA.
  • Vice Presidency: Claudia Soto, Director of Aquapacífico, Chile.
  • General Director: Adolfo Alvial, Executive Director of the Aquaculture Innovation Club, Chile.
  • General Secretary: Felipe Matias, Head of Fisheries and Aquaculture at FUCAMP, Brazil.
  • Director of Communications: Jose Manuel Yañez, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary and Livestock Sciences, University of Chile.

Lista de Instituciones participantes de la IAIA:

  • Club Innovación Acuícola, Chile
  • Csiro Chile Research
  • NWAA Northwest Aquaculture Alliance
  • Universidad de Chile
  • AquaHoy – Aqua Center SRL
  • Centro I-MAR – Universidad de Los Lagos
  • Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Instituto Tecnológico del Salmón
  • FUNCAMP, Brasil
  • NORCE Research
  • Charles Darwin University, Australia
  • AquaPacífico, Chile
  • Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
  • Endeavor Chile
  • University of Stirling, Scotland
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For more information, contact:
Adolfo Alvial

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