
24th Annual Aquaculture Drug Approval Coordination Workshop agenda is filling up!

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By Milthon Lujan

USA.- The 24th Annual Aquaculture Drug Approval Coordination Workshop is still a ways off, but we’re lining up a great suite of speakers. Historically, the workshop has been a venue for presentations covering updates on research to support fish drug approvals, the FWS’s INAD program, fish drugs sponsor activities, and things of interest from the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM).

This year, we plan to have another presentation on Veterinary Feed Directives to address issues that came up last year that the CVM contingent wanted to ensure responses were accurate and correct. In addition, we anticipate locking down a presentation from an FDA Field Inspector on what to expect if you are paid a visit from one of their inspectors to look over your VFD paperwork. As well we have lined up a presentation from the Department of Homeland Security field inspectors who will talk about what types of things they look for when helping you comply with their Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorist System requirements. If you store more than 400 lbs of 35% Perox Aid, you need to enroll in this program to make sure you are complying with storage requirements to minimize the likelihood of a potential terrorist stealing your fish drug.

Sound interesting? Check out the workshop schedule and lodging information. Remember, this will be in Bozeman MT, June 19, 2018, and held in conjunction with the 59th annual Western Fish Disease Workshop. Attend both workshops and get a discounted registration!

More information at: 

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