
WAS Joins AFS in Support of Climate Change Statement

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By Milthon Lujan

Sorrento, USA – The World Aquaculture Society is honored to join 110 aquatic scientific societies representing over 80,000 scientists as a signatory to American Fisheries Society’s “Statement of World Aquatic Scientific Societies on the Need to Take Urgent Action Against Human- Caused Climate Change, Based on Scientific Evidence.”

The statement highlights major scientific findings related to effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems. It also provides recommended actions, based on scientific findings, to avoid further degradation. All findings in the statement are supported by peer-reviewed scientific studies. The World Aquaculture Society appreciates the opportunity to team with other aquatic scientific societies in support of this initiative.

Aquaculture’s ability to help alleviate the world’s need for quality protein sources is threatened by climate change. The contribution of aquaculture to the global production of capture fisheries and aquaculture combined has risen continuously, reaching 46.8% in 2018, up from 25.7% in 2000 (UN-FAO 2020). Global aquaculture production (including aquatic plants) in 2018 was 114.5 million tonnes, with the first-sale value estimated at USD 250 billion. UN-FAO statistics indicate that 20.5 million people were engaged in the aquaculture sector in 2018. Foodfish production occurs in both inland, freshwater systems (62%) and marine environments (38%). As the statement affirms, freshwater ecosystems are among the most threatened on earth. Their capacity to adapt is relatively low given the nature of freshwater systems and the scale of impacts of climate change. In addition, climate change, along with excess nutrient input and deteriorating coastal ecosystems, also threatens marine aquaculture production.

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The World Aquaculture Society, through this commitment to excellence in science, technology, education, and information exchange, endeavors to contribute to the progressive and sustainable development of aquaculture throughout the world. The World Aquaculture Society looks forward to assisting in the science and educational efforts to address this critical issue. The Statement can be found on the AFS website.

World Aquaculture Society

The World Aquaculture Society was founded in 1969 as the World Mariculture Society. Since its beginning the membership in WAS has grown to more than 3,000 members in about 100 countries representing the global aquaculture community. In order to meet the expanding international nature of the Society and to address specific needs in various areas of the world, the WAS has created Chapters in the United States, Korea, Latin American and Caribbean region, Asian-Pacific region, and most recently
in Africa. Learn more at

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