
Peru: Fishing sector to grow 38% in 2018

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By Milthon Lujan

Lima, Peru (Andina).- Peru’s fishing sector will expand 38% in volume in 2018 due to higher catches of anchovy destined for the production of fish meal and oil, Production Minister Lieneke Schol projected.

“The sector’s performance between [last] January and February shows 2018 might be better than the previous [year], as long as the oceanographic conditions remain favorable for the next two fishing seasons,” the minister explained.

In this regard, Schol noted the sector is also expected to experience an important recovery in the unloadings for direct human consumption (+9%), mainly for canned, frozen, and fresh products.

Moreover, she pointed out the aquaculture sector will grow around 12%, mostly driven by greater production of shrimps (+10%) and trouts (+9%).

It must be noted these two aquaculture activities maintain a steady growth and generate sales worth over US$240 million a year.

According to the official, aquaculture production —which was affected by Coastal El Niño phenomenon last year— will also speed up its recovery in 2018.

” […] a 28% rise in the harvest of scallops is expected if compared to 2017,” she added.


On the other hand, Schol said the fishing sector accumulated a volume of 777,000 tons last January, a 7.5% expansion over the same month in 2017.

“The increase in catches [of species] destined for direct human consumption, in fresh state, also contributed positively to this result […],” she concluded.

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