
Marine waters sustainable aquaculture strategy released for public consultation

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By Milthon Lujan

Australia.- The community is being encouraged to have a say on the NSW Marine Waters Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy that is on public exhibition from 25 June to 3 August 2018. The NSW Government aims to increase the value of primary industries by 30% by 2020.

Deputy Director General, Fisheries, Dr Geoff Allan, said the NSW Government is committed to supporting sustainable aquaculture development.

“Global demand for seafood is rapidly expanding, primarily due to population growth and increased seafood consumption per capita,” Dr Allan said.

“Currently close to 87 per cent of seafood consumed in NSW is imported, so there is clearly an opportunity to further develop the sustainable seafood production to support future seafood demands of the State.

“Aquaculture developments currently operating in NSW provide regional employment opportunities.

“These include seafood processing, service industries, tourism and also educational and research opportunities for local high schools and universities.

“We want to secure the State’s future seafood needs, while growing the NSW economy by providing increased employment opportunities in regional areas.”

Dr Allan said the strategy provides clear direction on the sustainable development of this industry rather than an ad hoc development approach.

NSW has two other aquaculture strategies: the NSW Land Based Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy and the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy.

“The development of the NSW Marine Waters Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy will ensure a strategic approach is taken for all aquaculture projects across all of NSW,” Dr Allan said.

“Valuable input from community stakeholders to existing marine aquaculture developments has helped identify issues that they are concerned about.

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“This input has helped shape the draft NSW Marine Waters Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy and we want to hear whether we’ve met the community’s expectations.

“The strategy was developed as a whole of government initiative under the auspices of the State Aquaculture Steering Committee, which comprises representatives from 11 government agencies with responsibilities in the State’s marine waters.”

The strategy covers coastal waters to the jurisdictional limit of three nautical miles offshore (State Waters), but does not include estuarine environments.

To view the draft NSW Marine Waters Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy or lodge a submission, see the Have Your Say website 

Source: NSW Government

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