
LACQUA19 is very close

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By Milthon Lujan

Dear LACQUA19 participants, there is less and less time left for these three days of activities around aquaculture to begin. Remember that LACQUA19 will be full of surprises and activities that make this event one of the most important for the sector in the region. We will celebrate together the 50 years of the World Aquaculture Society and the 25 years of the Latin American and Caribbean Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society.


With the participation of more than 50 companies, this trade fair will be the ideal place to learn about the offer of innovative services and products for aquaculture. It will be held at the Wyndham La Herradura Hotel Convention Center. Among the participating companies, entities or media will be: Jefo / Vymisa / Zinpro, Merck, Biomar, DSM, Intermas, Prilabsa, Inolasa, Kytola Instruments, Rolan Group, Zeigler, Darling, Solacua, Aker Biomarine, Faivre, Bayer, Ferraz Machines, Tectron, Igusol, Feep Trekker, Technoaqua, Arbacia Project, Flint Hills Resourses, Wilfort Aquaculture, Calitri Technology, International Diagnostic, Reed Mariculture, Magiz Valley, Wenger, Genereach, ESE Intec, Trisan Group, AquaCare, Eruvaka Technologies, UNA, UTN, RefaMed, Extru Tech, Ictyopharma Group, Til-Gen, Granja Ostricola Punta Cuchillo, SNP, Kennecbec River Bioscience, INS, Innovasea, Badinotti, Belina, AquaHoy, International Aquafeed, Aqua Panorama, Fisheries and Environment, Salmon Expert and stads from the World Aquaculture Society and the Latin American and Caribbean Chapter where you can learn much more about our organization.



Among the sessions that will be presented this year at LACQUA19 there are topics such as: socio-economics of aquaculture, work in species such as shrimp, tilapia, salmonids, algae, pangasius, zooplankton, ornamentals, among others. There are talks on nutrition, technologies, production systems, toxicology, diseases, health, sustainability, genetics, social, education and digital transformation. Among the session coordinators, academic experts and producers are invited on each topic to ensure a very advanced level.

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Thus, 5 sessions sponsored by the following companies will also be offered:

• Ingredients for Aquafeed (DSM) led by Jorge Suarez

• Shrimp Food and Nutrition (Zeigler) led by Craig Browdy

• Functional Ingredients (Jefo, Vymisa, Zinpro) led by Walter Campos.

• Health in Tilapias (Merck) led by Paola Barato

• Innovations in shrimp production (Biomar) led by Laurecen Massaut

In LACQUA19 there will be some special sessions, below we will describe some:

CYTED LARVAplus network

This network are strategies for the development and improvement of fish larvae production in Latin America, CYRED 117RT0521 that seek to improve the efficiency and sustainability of fish larvae production. The members of this network that come from different countries such as Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Portugal and Costa Rica will present all the works related to the topic and will be led by Dr. Enric Gisbert.

Ecology and Cultivation of Macrobrachium

This session will be led by Dr. Wagner Cotroni Valenti, a member of the World Aquaculture Society, (WAS) is a research scientist and professor at the State University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is currently the Executive Director of the UNESP Innovation Agency and Professor of the Graduate Program of the Aquaculture Center; Coordinates research projects on sustainable and integrated aquaculture. In this talk, the following topics will be discussed: Ecology of native prawns, Physiology and genetics, Health and diseases, Production systems, Nutrition and food and Sustainability of the crop.

Industry Forum:

All participants to LACQUA19 especially aquaculture producers are cordially invited to this forum. This will take place on November 21 throughout the day.
In the morning the session will provide knowledge of the main advances made in aquaculture in Costa Rica, with national experts who will discuss the state of the culture of fish from inland and marine waters. The session will try to address strategic points about national aquaculture evolution in recent years, the cultivation of conventional species and the production alternatives that are being implemented to meet the demand of national and international markets. The impact of aquaculture on the development of fishing communities under small-scale economies will be another topic to be addressed. It will culminate with a panel of specialists that will expand knowledge about the projection and the challenges that the country will face, in terms of increasing production and the implementation of new species that maximize the commercialization of aquaculture products In the afternoon the forum will have the participation of private companies with sessions such as:

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1. Maximising the benefits of multi-enzymes for aquatic diets: Potential for growth and performance in tilapia led by Janielle Wallace invited MSD.

2. Sustainability in the marine fish industry of warm waters, an emerging market, led by Eduardo Coronas de Biomar.

3. Different types of vaccines for tilapia and their benefits, led by Luc Grisez de Merck.

4. Trace Mineral Role in the Replacement of Fishmeal led by Claudia Silva de Zinpro.

You can find information on how to participate as an assistant or sponsor, hotels and technical visits at 

For more information you can contact:
Carolina Amézquita

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