
IIMSAM: Intergovernmental institution for the use of micro-algae Spirulina against malnutrition

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By Milthon Lujan

New York.- The Autonomous Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina Against Malnutrition, IIMSAM, I present my compliments. IIMSAM is an Autonomous I.G.O. The entity within Article Five (5) of the Free Agreement Treaty for cooperation in scientific research and humanitarian use of microalgae Spirulina as food. Registered under United Nations Treaty Series No. 37542-37543, dated 12th June 2001; under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Furthermore, IIMSAM is one of the thirty (30) Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs) which are presently accredited as observers to the United Nations Economic and Social Council at UNHQ in New York on a continuing basis under rule 79 of the rules of procedure of the Council and Section 74 of the regulations procedure of the functional commissions.

IIMSAM is an Inter-Governmental Organization composed primarily of several sovereign states, established on bilateral or multilateral diplomatic arrangements (Treaties) “among other things” with its Member States within the framework of the IIMSAM Free Agreement Treaty with its adhering Member States in the purview of various International Conventions on Diplomatic Relations.

IIMSAM is the only one with a precise Mandate in advocating the use of “Spirulina platensis” for supporting the second Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating Hunger and Malnutrition to promote Spirulina as an important instrument in fighting acute malnutrition. IIMSAM is an ardent promoter of the United Nations and is committed to the principles and praxis of universality and multilateralism through the UN System.

IIMSAM’s Initiatives on the ground with “Concrete Deeds” in the following countries since 2009: Peoples Republic of China, Kenya, Mexico, Haiti, Jordan, Lebanon, Niger, Kurdistan-Iraq, Palestine, India, UAE, KSA.

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According to UNICEF Every five seconds a child under the age of five dies from hunger or hunger related diseases somewhere in the world.

Spirulina was declared by the UN World Food Conference of 1974 as the “best food for mankind”.

45 percent of deaths among children under 5 have malnutrition as an underlying cause (Source WFP.) 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies (Source WFP.)

IIMSAM’ LEGACY OF ADVOCACY AND RESILIENT LOBBYING AT UNHQ IN NY MAKES INROADS: During the sixtieth session of the United Nations General Assembly (Second Committee, Agenda item 52). IIMSAM initiated a revised draft resolution on the “Use of Spirulina to combat hunger and malnutrition and help achieve sustainable development” sponsored by Burundi, Cameroon, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Paraguay. As a follow-up on this resolution, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was requested to prepare a draft position on Spirulina. FAO’s report was presented in 2008 and includes the following selected recommendations: To improve technical and economic solutions to Spirulina production in poor environmental conditions, as well as to prepare tested production packages for rapid deployment in emergency situations. To develop a practical guide to small-scale Spirulina production that could be useful for development mythologies, oriented towards Providing nutritional supplements for the use in rural and urban communities where the diet is inadequate.

IIMSAM is an entirely Humanitarian IGO which has been playing a proactive role in providing nutritious Spirulina as aid worldwide. IIMSAM’s Flagship Program “Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Spirulina Feeding Centre” in Kisumu, Kenya is one of the exemplary free feeding centers with an estimated 800,000 + recipients since its inception in 2009.

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IIMSAM’s fiat is to realize its ambition of making Spirulina a global driver to eradicate malnutrition and achieve food security so as to bridge the critical health divide.

IIMSAM recognizes that hunger and malnutrition are a major impediment to sustainable development reaffirming that reducing these both is a primary goal of the UN-Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda.

For more information about IIMSAM and its endeavors around the world, feel free to visit our official website:  

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