La Paz, México – Earth Ocean Farms (EOF), carried out its eighth release of Totoaba macdonaldi. On this occasion, 35,000 juveniles of the species were released in the Sea of Cortez.
Since 2015, this marine species has been sustainably farmed and raised by Earth Ocean Farms, which is based in La Paz, Mexico. Committed and concerned about the environment, they have launched this sustainable breeding project for eight years, which is committed to the protection and conservation of the species that today is in danger of extinction.
The totoaba is a fish that in its wild state, can reach lengths of up to 2 meters and weigh more than 100 kilograms. Its population has drastically decreased due to over fishing and the degradation of its habitat, which is why guaranteeing its survival is a matter of the utmost importance for institutions, conservation organizations, scientists, and local communities.
“We are very excited to be able to carry out our eighth release of totoabas in the Sea of Cortez. The totoaba is an endemic species of the Gulf of California that is in danger of extinction, therefore, we must take measures to repopulate that Sea and encourage them to be as abundant as they once were”, commented Israel Marqueda, Commercial Director of EOF.

EOF, a vertically integrated company specializing in offshore marine aquaculture, released the juveniles at Santispac Beach, in Bahía de Concepción, in Baja California Sur. This activity was performed in collaboration with the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) through its Wildlife department (DGVS), other government agencies, and NGO´s, and the involvement of residents of local communities, including enthusiastic young people and children, who represent the new generations and with whom is important to raise awareness about marine conservation.
“It is essential that we continue to promote these activities in which all the desired parties are involved, especially children and young people, who are the key actors to achieve greater awareness in the long term,” remarked Marqueda.
Actions like these represent a main step toward the protection and preservation of biodiversity. This collective initiative demonstrates the commitment of different sectors to guarantee the survival of endangered species and save marine ecosystems for future generations.
About Earth Ocean Farms
Earth Ocean Farms (EOF), located in La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS), is an innovative mariculture company whose goal is to produce high-quality fish, respecting the environment using advanced sustainable technologies in marine aquaculture.
For more information about Earth Ocean Farms, visit http://earthoceanfarms.com/