e-FISHNET Project presents its first intellectual output

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By Milthon Lujan

The E-Fishnet Project, co-funded by the Eramus + Program of the European Union was created with the aim of improving training for fishmonger’s in countries taking part in the Project and in the wider European community.

To reach these goals it was agreed to work on an intellectual output that collected in depth everything related to the current situation of training in the Fish retailer Sector. The opinion of fishmonger’s from all countries taking part in the project was taken into account. In addition, the he customers expectations and perception of fishmongers was analyzed. Training should be adapted to customers demands and needs therefore this analysis was important in the design of the ideal training model.

Tools used by the Project to obtain the information needed, included surveys addressed to fishmongers and customers.

The survey addressed to customers was completed by 620 people from 7 different countries, and the one addressed to fishmongers was completed by 265 fishmongers from the countries involved in the Project. Additionally, 25 recorded interviews of fishmongers were made. They are available in our Youtube Channel and in the project website gallery. Thanks to them we were able to understand the opinion of this collective on training which is currently availablefor the sector.

All the results are explained in detail in this first intellectual Output, and its conclusions were the keystone in designing the ideal training model for this collective in Europe.

This Intellectual Output is an in depth study covering all the issues related to training, including the training models and available training for fishmongers in different countries taking part in the Consortium. The situation related to e-learning tools in the sector was analyzed and the opinion of fishmongers and customers in order that the information could be used to define the ideal training model for fishmongers.

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e- FishNet is a project included in the Erasmus + Program and co-funded by the European Union. This Project started in September 2016 and will finish in September 2018, with a total period of 24 months. The consortium is composed of 9 Organizations from Iceland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Portugal and Spain and also we count on one organization with European scope. FEDEPESCA is the coordinator of this project, which aims to analyze different training schemes in fishmonger’s training in the member countries, create an international collaborative network and also develop an e-learning platform with e-learning content.

Reference (open):
E-fishnet project. 2018. State of the Art Study and Fishmongers Marco Curriculum. Intellectual Output O1. http://e-fishnet.org/images/IOS/IO_EFISHNET_DEF.pdf 

Webpage: http://www.e-fishnet.org/index.php/en/  
Facebook: www.facebook.com/efishnet/  
Twitter: @e_fishnet
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJBSSaLjUrcsDHxAueUTjg 
Videos: http://e-fishnet.org/index.php/en/med/videos 

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