
Aquaponics = Aquaculture + Hydroponics

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By Milthon Lujan

Overview of the aquaponics system, showing the indication of the water recycling direction by the red arrow. Source: Ibrahim et al., (2023); Water.
Overview of the aquaponics system, showing the indication of the water recycling direction by the red arrow. Source: Ibrahim et al., (2023); Water.

By: Milthon B. Lujan Monja

The growing population is putting pressure on natural ecosystems, as well as vegetable and animal production systems, to produce more food. However, the intensification of production systems often comes with greater negative environmental impacts. In this sense, alternatives for food production with a sustainable focus must be sought.

Aquaponics emerges as a food production technology that has the ability to condense and compress production in spaces and locations that are not normally used for food cultivation (Goddek et al. 2019). Aquaponics combines aquaculture and hydroponics in a symbiotic system, creating a closed-loop ecosystem where both plants and fish thrive. The fish provide vital nutrients for the plants, while the plants filter the water, creating a sustainable and organic growing process.

In this article, we will explore the world of aquaponics and its potential to transform the food production industry. We will delve into the benefits of this innovative food production method to ensure food sovereignty, including water conservation, reduced dependency on synthetic fertilizers, and increased crop production. At the end of the article, you will find bibliographical references that can help you deepen your knowledge of aquaponics systems.

What is aquaponics?

Aquaponics, according to Hager et al. (2021), is the term used for a food production system that combines recirculating aquaculture with plant cultivation without soil (hydroponics). Rakocy (1999), Messer (?) and Rakocy et al. (2003) indicate that aquaponics is the cultivation of fish (and other aquatic species) and plants in a closed-loop recirculation system.

In summary, aquaponics is a food production method that combines aquaculture (the farming of aquatic animals) and hydroponics (the cultivation of plants in water) in a closed-loop symbiotic system. In this integrated system, the waste produced by the fish provides essential nutrients for the plants, while the plants, in turn, filter and purify the water for the fish. This mutually beneficial relationship creates a sustainable and highly efficient form of food production.

According to Goddek et al. (2019), aquaponics is gaining attention as a bio-integrated food production system because it allows the use of effluents from closed-loop aquaculture systems.

Benefits of aquaponics

In the food production industry, aquaponics offers a number of benefits:

Water efficiency

One of the main advantages of aquaponics is its remarkable water efficiency. Traditional agriculture is a major consumer of water, estimated to account for up to 70% of global freshwater use. In contrast, aquaponics can recycle and reuse the same water, reducing water consumption by up to 90% compared to conventional farming methods.

This water-saving capacity is particularly valuable in regions with limited water resources or those facing the impacts of climate change. By minimizing water use, aquaponic systems can thrive in areas where traditional agriculture may not be viable, opening new possibilities for food production and food security.

Reduced dependence on synthetic fertilizers

Another key benefit of aquaponics is its reduced reliance on synthetic fertilizers. In traditional agriculture, the excessive use of chemical fertilizers has led to environmental degradation, soil depletion, and water source contamination. Aquaponics, on the other hand, uses nutrient-rich fish waste to provide the necessary nutrients for plant growth, eliminating the need for synthetic fertilizers and creating a truly organic and sustainable system.

This approach not only reduces environmental impact but also produces healthier and more nutritious crops. By leveraging the natural nutrient cycle, aquaponic systems can produce vibrant, pesticide-free products that are highly sought after by conscious consumers.

Increased crop yields

Additionally, aquaponics offers the potential to increase crop yields and a more diverse range of food production. By combining plant and fish farming, aquaponic producers can maximize the use of available space and resources, resulting in higher yields per square foot compared to traditional farming methods. This versatility allows for the cultivation of a wide variety of crops, from leafy greens and herbs to fruits and even certain types of fish, all within a single integrated system.

How does aquaponics work?

At the heart of an aquaponic system is the symbiotic relationship between fish and plants. In aquaponic systems, nutrient-rich effluents from fish tanks are used to fertilize hydroponic production (Diver 2006).

The specific components of an aquaponic system typically include a fish rearing tank, a plant growing bed, a water pump, and a filtration system. The rearing tank houses aquatic life, which can include a variety of fish species, such as tilapia, koi, or even certain types of edible fish. The growing bed is where plants are cultivated, often using a growing medium such as gravel or expanded clay.

Fish rearing

In a water recirculation unit where fish are farmed, the water contains the fish’s metabolic waste (feces) and uneaten food. The water first passes through mechanical filters that capture solid waste, and then through a biofilter that oxidizes ammonia into nitrate.

Plant cultivation

This nutrient-rich water then circulates to the plant growing beds, where the plants absorb the nutrients and, in turn, filter the water. The plants use the nutrients to thrive and produce an abundant harvest, while the clean water is filtered. The water is returned to the fish rearing tanks, thus completing the closed loop.

This continuous exchange of nutrients and water is the key to the success of an aquaponic system. The fish provide the necessary nutrients to the plants, and the plants purify the water for the fish, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem that requires minimal external inputs.

Water pumping system

The water pump circulates nutrient-rich water from the tank to the growing bed, and the filtration system helps maintain water quality by removing any waste or debris. This integrated system allows for efficient and sustainable production of both fish and plants, all within a compact and self-regulating environment.

How an aquaponics system works. Source: Somerville et al (2014)
How an aquaponics system works. Source: Somerville et al (2014)

Principles of Aquaponic Systems

Aquaponics operates under several key principles, and according to Adler et al. (2000), these are:

  • The waste products from one biological system serve as nutrients for a second biological system.
  • The integration of fish and plants results in a polyculture that increases diversity and the production of multiple products.
  • Water is reused through biological filtration and recirculation.
  • Local food production provides access to healthier foods and boosts the local economy.

Classification of Aquaponic Systems

Hager et al. (2020) classify aquaponic systems into two types: coupled and decoupled.

Coupled Aquaponic System

The coupled aquaponic system is the most commonly used and is based on “feeding” the aquaponic system with known quantities of nutrients. Commercial fish feed provides the sustenance for the growth of plants and bacteria (biofilter).

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One of the limitations of the coupled aquaponic system is the wide range of growing conditions required for fish, plants, and bacteria. Therefore, the amount of nutrients ideal for fish is usually inadequate for plants.

Decoupled Aquaponic System

In the decoupled aquaponic system, the components of the water recirculation system and the hydroponic system are together but function separately and can be controlled independently.

In decoupled aquaponic systems, the water from the hydroponic system does not return to the fish tanks. Water lost through transpiration and evaporation in the hydroponic unit is replaced with water from the aquaculture recirculation system, which in turn is replenished with fresh water.

Decoupled aquaponics allows for greater control, enabling each system to operate within its optimal range. According to research by Aslanidou et al. (2024), decoupled aquaponic systems have more advantages than coupled ones.

Types of Aquaponic Systems Based on the Hydroponic Component

Aquaponic systems come in a variety of designs, each with unique characteristics and suitability for different applications. Understanding the different types of aquaponic systems can help you choose the one that best suits your needs and available resources.

Recsetar and Kelly (2015) classify aquaponic systems based on the hydroponic component into floating raft systems (deep water culture), nutrient film technique (NFT) systems, and ebb and flow systems.

Floating Raft System (Deep Water Culture)

The floating raft system (DWC) involves growing plants on polystyrene rafts that float in a 12 to 24-inch deep column of water. In this setup, the plant roots are directly submerged in nutrient-rich water.

Effective solid filtration is required to prevent solids from entering the plant grow beds and clogging the plant roots. Additionally, aeration must be provided to maintain adequate oxygen levels for both plant roots and beneficial bacteria.

Floating raft systems are generally used in commercial aquaponics for producing herbs and leafy greens. Fruits like tomatoes and cucumbers can be successfully grown with appropriate nutrient densities and support structures.

Aquaponics with deep water system
Aquaponics with deep water system

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) system involves a thin column of nutrient-rich water flowing through pipes.

Like DWC systems, NFT systems require adequate solid filtration to prevent contamination of the plant roots. Additionally, NFT systems need a separate biofilter since the channels do not provide sufficient surface area for nitrifying bacteria to grow.

NFT systems are commonly used in commercial setups for growing herbs and leafy greens, although individuals use this design to maximize space in home settings.

Ebb and Flow System or Media Bed Systems

Ebb and flow systems involve growing plants in a gravel medium that is regularly flooded and drained with nutrient-rich water. The ebb and flow of water in the grow bed allows for root aeration and helps prevent anaerobic conditions.

Ebb and flow systems are frequently used in home aquaponics due to the relatively few components and easy construction and operation.

A variety of materials can be used as substrate, including gravel, lava rock, expanded clay pebbles, and other inert media. The choice may be limited by the local availability of materials.

Vertical Aquaponics

For those with limited space, a vertical aquaponic system can be an excellent solution. This design involves stacking multiple grow beds or plant towers, allowing for a more compact and space-saving setup. Vertical systems are particularly suitable for urban farming or small-scale operations where ground space is limited.

How to Build an Aquaponic System

Setting up an aquaponic system requires careful planning and consideration of various factors, including the available space, desired scale of operation, and the specific needs of the fish or crustaceans and plants you plan to cultivate. Most aquaponic systems follow the basic rule of design or “order of operations.” The main components include: a fish tank, solid filtration, biological filtration, hydroponic components, and a sump.

Here are the key steps to building your own system:

  • Location: One of the first steps in setting up an aquaponic system is choosing a suitable location. Aquaponic systems thrive in well-lit, temperature-controlled environments, so finding a suitable indoor or outdoor space is crucial. Factors such as access to power, water supply, and drainage should also be considered.
  • Choosing the Fish Tank: Choose a tank of appropriate size based on the number of fish you plan to raise. A larger tank provides greater system stability. Commercial tanks are made from UV-stable materials such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE), plastic, or fiberglass. The dimensions of the fish tanks will depend on the species, developmental stage, stocking density, production projections, and other factors.
  • Solid Filtration: Effective solid filtration is a key component for the proper functioning of the system and is a critical factor influencing the efficiency of all other processes. Solids are mainly produced by uneaten food, fish waste, and bacterial biofilms. If solids are not removed, plant roots cannot assimilate nutrients. The two main categories of solid filtration are sedimentation and mechanical filtration.
  • Plant Grow Bed Setup: The hydroponic part of the aquaponic system takes up most of the installation area. Experts report three main designs: media beds (also known as ebb and flow), deep water culture, and NFT.
  • Biofilter: This component is crucial for converting fish waste into usable nutrients for the plants. Biological filtration (biofilter) refers to the conversion of ammonia into nitrite, and then into nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. Without a good biofilter, the system will not function properly.
  • Pump and Pipes: The pump is responsible for moving water between the fish tank and the grow bed, ensuring that the cycle continues uninterrupted.

Choosing Fish and Plants for Your Aquaponic System

Selecting the right species of fish and plants is crucial for the success of an aquaponic system. Fish and plants must be compatible with each other’s requirements, ensuring a harmonious and productive ecosystem.

It is important to note that specific combinations of fish and plants may vary depending on climate, system size, and desired outcomes. Consulting experienced aquaponic growers or seeking guidance from experts in the field can help you make the best choices for your particular setup.

Best Fish for Aquaponics

Choosing fish for an aquaponic system should be based on the characteristics and hardiness of the species, the type of system, etc. Regarding this, Pinho et al. (2021) recommend that fish selection for aquaponics should be based on the following criteria:

  • Fish that tolerate a wide range of water quality parameters.
  • Fish that can handle a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5, as nutrients are more available to plants within this range.
  • Fish that are tolerant of high nitrate levels, which is crucial for determining the plant growing area.
  • The choice of fish species for aquaponic systems also depends on market demand and characteristics.
  • The type of aquaponic system: coupled or decoupled.

Several warm and cold-water species have adapted to recirculating aquaculture systems, including tilapia, trout, perch, Arctic char, and ornamental fish. Among these species, tilapia has adapted the best, as it is tolerant of fluctuating water conditions such as pH, temperature, oxygen, and dissolved solids, and meets most of the criteria.

Pinho et al. (2021) report research on aquaponic crops that have worked with silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen), lambari (Astyanax lacustris), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), and snook (Centropomus spp.).

As you can see, there is a wide range of species to choose from for your aquaponic system. However, I recommend considering the mentioned criteria to ensure lower risk, especially regarding what kind of fish your target market demands.

Best Plants for Aquaponics

The success of aquaponics largely depends on the plants you choose to grow. Some plants adapt better to aquaponic conditions than others. In many commercial aquaponic ventures, plant production is more profitable than fish production. However, there are exceptions, and some growers earn more income from higher-value fish (Somerville et al., 2014).

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To date, over 150 different plants (vegetables, herbs, flowers, and small trees) have been successfully grown in aquaponic systems, including research, home, and commercial units. Here are the most recommended options to maximize food production:

  • Lettuce: Lettuce is one of the most popular plants for aquaponics due to its fast growth and low nutrient requirements. It can be grown in temperate climates and low light, making it ideal for indoor systems.
  • Spinach: Spinach is another excellent option, as it thrives well in aquaponic systems. It requires fewer nutrients than other crops, making it an easy-to-manage choice.
  • Aromatic Herbs (Basil, Mint, Cilantro): Herbs adapt well to aquaponic systems and offer high commercial value. They are ideal for small and medium-sized systems.
  • Strawberries: Although they require a bit more nutrients and care, strawberries can thrive in aquaponics, providing delicious fruit in a small space.

When selecting plants for your aquaponic system, consider their compatibility with the available water conditions and the specific nutrients provided by fish waste. Leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and kale are usually well-suited for aquaponic systems, as they thrive in nitrogen-rich water. Additionally, aquaponic growers often cultivate leafy greens, which have a low unit value but a high yield; lettuce, Swiss chard, kale, basil, and other herbs are typically ready for harvest 3-5 weeks after transplanting, generating a steady income stream.

Herbs like basil, mint, and cilantro are also excellent choices, as they grow quickly and benefit from the nutrient-rich environment. Some fruiting plants, such as tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries, can also be successfully grown in aquaponic systems but may require additional system adjustments and monitoring.

By carefully selecting compatible fish and plant species, you can create a thriving, balanced aquaponic ecosystem that maximizes productivity and efficiency in your sustainable farming operation.

Home Aquaponics

The size of your system is another important consideration when establishing an aquaponic venture. The larger the system, the more time and effort is required for maintenance.

Home aquaponics (backyard aquaponics or home aquaponics) is a great way to produce your own food and can also serve as a useful learning tool for schools and communities.

Aquaponic units with a fish tank of about 1,000 liters and a growing area of approximately 3 m² are considered small and are suitable for home food production (home aquaponics). The main goal of home aquaponics is subsistence food production and domestic use.

Recsetar and Kelly (2015) report that the investment for a home aquaponic system can vary from $100 if you have a 10-gallon aquarium to grow herbs, up to $50,000 if you want to buy a greenhouse, depending on the system size and materials used in its construction.

Finally, if you are interested in implementing a small-scale or home aquaponic system, you can download the FAO manual.

Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your Aquaponic System

Maintaining and troubleshooting an aquaponic system is crucial for its long-term success and productivity.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Regular monitoring and proactive maintenance can help ensure the health and well-being of both fish and plants, as well as the overall stability of the system.

One of the main maintenance tasks in an aquaponic system is managing water quality. Monitoring and adjusting parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia levels are essential for maintaining optimal growth conditions.

Regular water testing and the use of appropriate water treatment products can help maintain a balanced and healthy ecosystem.


Another important aspect of maintaining an aquaponic system is cleaning and maintaining the various components, such as the fish tank, grow beds, and water pumps. The accumulation of waste and debris can block water flow and disrupt the nutrient cycling process, so regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial.


Ensuring proper aeration and water circulation is also essential to maintaining a thriving aquaponic system. Adequate water movement helps distribute nutrients, provides oxygen to the fish, and prevents waste buildup. Regular checks and adjustments to water pumps and air stones can help optimize system performance.

Troubleshooting an aquaponic system may involve addressing various issues that may arise, such as pH imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, or disease outbreaks. Careful monitoring and the ability to quickly identify and address these issues can help prevent more serious problems and maintain the overall health of the system. If a problem arises, it is important to clearly understand the system dynamics and the interdependence between the fish and plants. Seeking guidance from experienced aquaponic growers or consulting with experts in the field can be invaluable in solving any problems that may arise.

Some Aquaponic Farming Experiences

Rainbow Trout – Lettuce and Sweet Basil

Adler et al. (2000) described the economic relationship between a recirculating system for the production of 22,680 kg of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and a hydroponic treatment unit for growing lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). This hydroponic unit was able to reduce phosphorus concentrations in the fish farm effluents to less than 0.1 mg L-1.

It was determined that integrating fish and plant production systems generates more economic savings than each system individually. Additionally, the investment analysis demonstrated the profitability of the combined system over a 20-year lifespan. The internal rate of return (IRR) for an investment of $244,720 was 12.5%.

Tilapia – Basil

Rakocy et al. (2003) conducted an experiment in a commercial-scale aquaponic system (0.05 ha) located in the tropics. The projected annual production of tilapia was 4.37 tons, while basil production was 2.0, 1.8, and 0.6 kg m-2 using batch, staggered, and field production systems, respectively. The projected annual basil yield with the staggered system was 5.0 tons. Nutrient deficiency symptoms only appeared in the batch basil crops.

Furthermore, Rakocy et al. (2004) reported that tests with Nile tilapia (77 fish m-3) and red tilapia (154 fish m-3), with harvests every six weeks, showed average production of 61.5 kg m-3 for Nile tilapia and 70.7 kg m-3 for red tilapia. The average weight was 813.8 g for Nile tilapia and 512.5 g for red tilapia. The estimated annual production was 4.16 tons for Nile tilapia and 4.78 tons for red tilapia.

Mullet – Lettuce – Salicornia (Sea Asparagus)

Researchers from IRTA in Sant Carles de la Ràpita worked with mullet, lettuce, and salicornia. In an area of 18 m² over a 90-day period, they harvested 90 kg of lettuce, and in a second phase, they obtained 250 kg of sea asparagus.

You can find more information about the aquaponic study with mullet, lettuce, and sea asparagus here.

Aquaponic system for the cultivation of mullet and lettuce or sea asparagus. Source: IRTA
Aquaponic system for the cultivation of mullet and lettuce or sea asparagus. Source: IRTA

Is Aquaponics Profitable?

To answer this question, we need to consider the species you plan to cultivate, the aquaponics system, production costs, and, most importantly, the market.

In this regard, Bosma et al. (2017) concluded that aquaponics is only profitable in regions of the world where fish and vegetables are expensive. Therefore, you should consider the prices that fish and vegetables reach in your target market. Baganz et al. (2020) detailed that an aquaponics system is profitable if the facilities are large enough (economy of scale). The criteria you should consider include the necessary investment, market environment, diversification, technical capabilities, and more.

Meanwhile, Turnsek et al. (2020) pointed out that aquaponics startups often fail due to insufficient initial investment and a lack of experience and skills among entrepreneurs.

In the case of home aquaponics systems, they are profitable if labor costs are not considered. Lobillo et al. (2020) concluded in their research on aquaponics systems that they are profitable without including labor costs. Therefore, it is recommended to implement home or small-scale aquaponics systems as a complement to agricultural, livestock, or fish farming activities.

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Finally, a recent scientific publication by Silva et al. (2021) offers a guide to help ensure your aquaponics venture is profitable.

Aquaponics vs. Hydroponics: Which is Better?

It’s common to confuse aquaponics with hydroponics, as both systems allow plant cultivation without soil. However, there are key differences that make aquaponics a more sustainable and efficient option for many growers.

Table 01. Comparison of the Differences Between Aquaponics and Hydroponics.

Nutrient SystemsNutrients come from fish waste, creating a self-sufficient and more natural system.Nutrients are artificially added in the form of mineral solutions, requiring continuous monitoring.
Water ConsumptionVery efficient in water use, as it is continuously recycled between fish and plants.Requires a constant supply of fresh water to keep nutrients circulating, increasing water consumption.
Environmental ImpactMore sustainable, with no use of chemical fertilizers or production of contaminating waste.Can have a greater environmental impact due to the use of synthetic fertilizers, which can pollute water sources if not managed properly.
MaintenanceLess intensive, as it relies on a natural cycle of nutrients between fish and plants.Requires constant monitoring of the quality and concentration of nutrient solutions.
Long-Term SustainabilitySuitable for sustainable crops, as it is a balanced and natural system.It is a controlled system that may require more external inputs to maintain its long-term efficiency.

This table highlights how aquaponics tends to be more sustainable and self-sufficient, while hydroponics relies more on human control and external inputs.

Aquaponics vs. Traditional Agricultural Methods

When comparing aquaponics to traditional agricultural methods, the advantages of the aquaponic approach become increasingly evident. Aquaponics offers a more sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional agriculture, addressing many of the challenges faced by traditional farming.

Table 02. Comparison between Aquaponics and Traditional Agriculture.

AspectAquaponicsTraditional Agriculture
Water ConsumptionExtremely efficient, using up to 90% less water than traditional agriculture. Ideal for areas with water scarcity or affected by climate change.Requires large amounts of water, especially in intensive crops. Less suitable for regions with limited water resources.
Fertilizer UseNo synthetic fertilizers needed. Nutrients come from fish waste, creating an organic closed-loop growing environment.Uses synthetic fertilizers that can degrade soil and contaminate water sources, with long-term environmental consequences.
Crop YieldHigher yield per square foot by combining plant and fish cultivation. Optimizes space and resource use in an integrated system.Yields depend on soil quality, water, and inputs. Yields may be lower per unit of space compared to aquaponics.
Production DiversityAllows for a wide range of food cultivation, including vegetables, herbs, fruits, and fish, all in one system. Ideal for urban and peri-urban agriculture.Production is more limited to specific crops based on soil and climate. Less adaptable to urban or peri-urban environments due to the dependence on large tracts of arable land.
Land UseDoes not require soil, allowing installation in urban areas, rooftops, patios, or abandoned buildings.Requires large areas of arable land, which can be a challenge in areas with land scarcity or in urban settings.
Environmental ImpactSustainable and low impact, with no use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Reduces soil degradation and water pollution.Can lead to soil degradation, pollution from pesticides and fertilizers, and is resource-intensive.
Long-Term SustainabilityMore sustainable due to its closed-loop ecosystem, efficient water use, and reduced dependence on external inputs.Less sustainable in the long term, especially in areas with limited water resources and degraded soils.

Aquaponics presents a more sustainable and efficient alternative in resource use compared to traditional agriculture, especially in urban contexts and in regions with water limitations.

The Future Potential of Aquaponics

As the world grapples with pressing issues of food security, environmental sustainability, and the impact of climate change, the future potential of aquaponics shines brightly. This innovative method of food production promises to transform how we produce and consume food, offering a sustainable and scalable solution to the challenges faced by traditional agriculture, contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2): Zero Hunger (Ibrahim et al., 2023, and Flores-Aguilar et al., 2024).

One of the most interesting aspects of the future of aquaponics is its ability to address the growing demand for food in urban and peri-urban areas. As the global population continues to urbanize, the need for local and sustainable food sources becomes increasingly crucial. Aquaponic systems can be adapted to a variety of environments, from small-scale backyard setups to large-scale commercial operations, enabling the production of fresh, nutrient-rich produce and fish close to the communities that need it most.

Moreover, the versatility of aquaponic systems allows for the cultivation of a wide variety of crops and fish, catering to the changing preferences and dietary needs of consumers. As awareness and demand for organic, locally sourced, and sustainably produced food continue to grow, aquaponic producers are well-positioned to meet this demand, providing a wide range of high-quality, pesticide-free products.

Beyond its role in food production, the future of aquaponics also holds significant potential for environmental management and resource conservation. As the world struggles against the effects of climate change, the efficient use of water and waste reduction in aquaponic systems makes them an increasingly attractive option for sustainable agriculture.

By minimizing the use of water, synthetic fertilizers, and other resource-intensive inputs, aquaponics can play a vital role in mitigating the environmental impact of traditional agriculture. As technology and knowledge surrounding aquaponics continue to evolve, we can expect to see a growing number of applications and innovative advancements in the field. From the integration of renewable energy sources to the development of advanced monitoring and control systems, the future of aquaponics promises greater efficiency, productivity, and environmental sustainability.

In summary, the future of aquaponics is hopeful and promising, offering a transformative solution to the challenges facing the global food system. By adopting this revolutionary cultivation method, we can work towards a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable future, where the production of nutritious food coexists harmoniously with the protection of our precious natural resources.


Aquaponics presents itself as a viable alternative that can be integrated into closed-circuit systems in aquaculture. The practice of aquaponics constitutes a viable option for cost reduction and the productive diversification of aquaculture units.

However, the technique of aquaponics still requires further research to establish more affordable procedures for small-scale aquaculture producers. Additionally, if you are managing an aquaponic system, you should consider the aquaponics management recommendations provided by the FAO.


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