
Nanotechnology opens new pathway for PCAARRD’s ISP on Tilapia

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By Milthon Lujan

By Loureeda C. Darvin, Norida P. Samson*
The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) has released a total grant of P9.9 million to the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) for the implementation of two projects on the application of nanotechnology R&D for improved tilapia farming.

The first project, titled “Development of colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) immune assay for rapid detection of bacterial pathogens in freshwater tilapia aquaculture” aims to develop a rapid and accurate detection kit that will make diagnosis cheaper and cost-effective.

Moreover, the project will involve the development of colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) immune assay for rapid detection of bacterial pathogens from the genera Aeromonas and Streptococcus infecting tilapia. The diagnosis of these major genera of bacterial pathogens uses conventional plating and culturing methods. The use of molecular techniques, on the other hand, requires sophisticated equipment to develop the tests. This project will be led by Dr. Karl Marx Quiazon, faculty and researcher of CLSU.

The second project titled, “Development of cost-effective nano (zeolite-silica) composites for the removal of pollutants from water and soil for freshwater tilapia aquaculture” aims to produce nanocomposites to improve soil and water quality conditions in tilapia farms. Dr. Juvy Monseratte, Project Leader, heads the Nanotechnology Research and Development Facility/Laboratory at CLSU.

The two projects kicked off with an inception meeting held at the Research and Training Center of CLSU, Munoz, Nueva Ecija recently. The meeting, which was attended by Dr. Loureeda C. Darvin and Dr. Norida P. Samson of the Inland Aquatic Resources Research Division of PCAARRD discussed the technical and administrative concerns facing the implementation of the projects.

See also  BFAR promotes use of natural food in tilapia culture

Dr. Fe L. Porciuncula, Vice President of CLSU for Research and Extension gave a brief overview of the Nanotechnology Program and facilities of the University.

To ensure that the projects’ outputs are at par with market requirements, Dr. Quiazon and Dr. Monseratte will undertake a benchmarking activity at the Michigan State University, USA, in August 2018

*Source: DOST-PCAARRD S&T Media Services

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