Newly acquired Italian company Acipenser Srl has been found compliant with Friend of the Sea standard for a number of species of farmed sturgeon: Acipenser baerii, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Acipenser naccari and two hybrid species, Acipenser baerii/Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, and Acipenser naccarii/Acipenser baerii. Caviar products resulting from the breeding are commercialized under the brand Royal Food Caviar and Perluga brands.
The plant is located in Calvisano, a small townin the province of Brescia in Northern Italy and it consists of a 10 hectares land-basedfarm with large basins in concrete. Farms reproduce the natural conditionsfound in sturgeons’ native breeding grounds. The facilities are lined with alayer of river stone pebbles. The typical seasonal fluctuations in temperatureand natural light conditions ensure that the sturgeons have a gradual and healthy growth.
According to Friend of the Seaaquaculture requirements, birds’ entanglement and fish escapes are prevented by means of appropriate grids with suitable size and texture and a management system inplace implies an immediate implementation of corrective action. Farmed species cannot possibly reproduce in the wild and does not represent a danger for the local population. Moreover, fish are fed with GMO-free feed and no hormones are used.
“We are particularly proud of having obtained Friend of the Sea certification as a confirmation of our full engagement to environmental sustainability at nternational level” commented Carlo Dalla Rosa, Managing Director at Acipenser.
“Aquaculture is becoming more and more relevant economically and also as a way to preserve animal species and the environment. Acipenser’s compliance with our standard demonstrates that it is possible to grow a business and innovate in this sector while implementing sustainable practices” says Paolo Bray, Director of Friend of the Sea.