
Introducing the New GLOBALG.A.P. NON-GM ADD-ON For The Aquaculture And Livestock Sector

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By Milthon Lujan

Brussels/Cologne.- Due to rising concerns regarding sufficient transparency of genetically modified foods for consumers, the German government has issued a national regulation for the labeling of NON-GM food and developed a label for such products. It is licensed exclusively to the German association VLOG e.V., the industry association for food produced without genetic engineering.

In close collaboration with VLOG representatives, GLOBALG.A.P. has developed a set of modules for a NON-GM Add-on that enables GLOBALG.A.P. certified compound feed producers, livestock and aquaculture producers, and processors to comply with VLOG certification requirements. They may apply for the VLOG seal “VLOG geprüft/VLOG verified” (for feed) or “Ohne GenTechnik/NO-GMO” (for food) to be used on their products. Like all GLOBALG.A.P. Add-on products, the NON-GM Add-on is designed to simplify assessments and avoid duplication and redundancies.

“ With this add-on we have been able to follow the trend of our German retail members to provide a NON-GM choice to their customers”, said Dr. Kristian Moeller, CEO of GLOBALG.A.P., “ and we thank VLOG for their collaborative approach to establish this partnership that saves costs for the entire industry.”

“VLOG appreciates that it has found a strong and experienced partner in GLOBALG.A.P. Together we can bring forward trustworthy third-party certification of Non-GMO production systems”, said Alexander Hissting, Managing Director of VLOG. “We expect this collaboration to have an immediate positive influence on Non-GMO certification in aquaculture.”

About VLOG

VLOG, the German association for food produced without genetic engineering, is an industry association that represents food manufacturers and retailers as well as sectors upstream and downstream to food production. VLOG promotes food production without GMOs and also engages in consumer education. It awards licences for the use of the standardized seal “Ohne GenTechnik” (Non-GMO) on food products that meet its standard and “VLOG geprüft” (VLOG verified) for animal nutrition. More than 8,000 food products are currently labeled with the “Ohne GenTechnik” seal. The association represents more than 650 members and licensees primarily from Germany with combined annual sales in 2017 of seal-bearing products to the amount of 5.44 billion euros.

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GLOBALG.A.P. is a leading global certification program whose mission is to bring farmers and retailers together to produce and market safe food to protect scarce resources and build a sustainable future. 

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