
Important information: WA2021 changes its date

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By Milthon Lujan

After a detailed assessment of the current situation of the pandemic, the Organizing Committee of the World Aquaculture 2021- WA2021, #AquacultureNow has decided to reschedule the date of WA2021 for the second quarter of 2022.

With the main objective of safeguarding the health and integrity of our attendees, the Organizing Committee of the World Aquaculture Society (WAS, for its acronym in English), in collaboration with the local authorities of the State of Yucatan, as well as other organizations that are part of WA2021, they have made the decision to reschedule the WA2021 event for the 24 to 27 of may, 2022.

This decision was made when considering the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world. However, the Organizing Committee will continue working to offer in 2022 a high quality event that meets the expectations of all our participants. It is important to mention that WA2021 will take place in the City of Mérida, Yucatán as initially scheduled.

WA2021 will feature panel discussions led by experts of international stature, on current issues in the Latin American and global aquaculture sector, keynote speeches, technical and academic sessions, as well as courses of great interest to our attendees.

For this reason, we extend our invitation to all entities, universities, experts, students, academics, producers, marketers, entrepreneurs and other organizations that have an interest in aquaculture, to register for this important event, which will undoubtedly offer a space ideal for creating alliances with companies, investors, the academic and scientific sectors. Registration and receipt of papers are open, so we invite you to take advantage of discounts on early registration.

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For more information about the event, consult the page or contact Carolina Amézquita, by email:, or by email, with Mario Stael for commercial stands.

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