
Florida Sea Grant to Live Stream Select Presentations at American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting

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By Milthon Lujan

By Samantha Grenrock*
USA.- UF/IFAS and Florida Sea Grant are set make a big splash at one of the most well-regarded fisheries science conferences in the nation, and not just as major sponsors.

A large amount of Florida Sea Grant and UF/IFAS-affiliated faculty and students will be sharing their expertise about the latest fisheries science at the 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. The meeting, which is attended by more than 2,000 fisheries researchers, will take place August 20-24 in Tampa.

Jack Payne, senior vice president of UF/IFAS is set to give a plenary titled, “Stand Up for Science: Sticking to Evidence over Activism, Misinformation, and Death Threats.” Other plenary speakers include Katsumi Tsukamoto, president of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science and Marah Hardt, founder of OceanInk.

For those who cannot attend the meeting, the Florida Sea Grant will be broadcasting the following day-long session on its Facebook page: 

– Outreach, Extension and Stakeholder Engagement in Fisheries – 9:40 a.m.- 5:20 p.m. Monday, August 21 

Florida Sea Grant is also collaborating with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to broadcast two day-long sessions about the management of artificial reefs via the Florida Artificial Reefs Facebook page:

– Marine Artificial Reef Research and Development: Integrating Fisheries Management Objectives I – 9:40 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 22 

– Marine Artificial Reef Research and Development: Integrating Fisheries Management Objectives II — 9:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 23 

The recordings of the broadcasted sessions will also be archived on Florida Sea Grant’s website. 

See also  Aquaculture salmon escape detected in Bay of Fundy

To learn more about the meeting, and to view the full agenda, visit: 

*Source: Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and University of Florida

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