
Expert Consultation on Genetically Responsible Aquaculture, Lucknow, India

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By Milthon Lujan

The loss of genetic diversity in broodstock remains an issue of great concern. Many standard hatchery practices can reduce the genetic diversity of seed. The impact on farm productivity and stock health is unknown but may be significant.

Commercial interests have eased these concerns by offering stocks selected for improved growth. Specific pathogen free seed is also available for some species. But in recent years there has been evidence of seed substitution by third parties. It is difficult for farmers to know if they are getting what they pay for.

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and NACA will convene the consultation from 26-27 February 2019. The consultation will be hosted by the ICAR National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) in Lucknow, India.

The aim of the consultation is to find ways to assure genetic quality in seed production systems. Experts will discuss broodstock management and mechanisms to verify seed origin and quality. The goal is to empower farmers and monitoring agencies with quantifiable standards. Procedures for germplasm exchange and maintenance of on-farm genetic diversity will be proposed.

Representatives from NACA member states are invited to attend. Local expenses (accomodation, meals and transportation) will be borne by the organisers. Official nominees should contact by 20 January 2019. Please send a copy of your passport to support the necessary clearances.

For more information please download the prospectus attached.

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