Download presentations from Seminar on fish health, AquaNor 2017

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By Milthon Lujan

Norway.- The seminar was a cooperation between Sernapesca, Chile, Norwegian Food Safety Authority and Norwegian Veterinary Institute.

Presentations from the seminar:

Introduction by Kristina Landsverk – Norwegian Food Safety Authority

Status of fish health in Chile, by Alicia Gallardo, Sernapesca, Chile

Status of fish health in Norway, by Brit Hjeltnes, Norwegian Veterinary Institute.

Loss and mortality rates in salmon aquaculture, by Anders Marthinussen, Kontali Analyse AS.

The production of bigger smolt, strengths and weaknesses concerning fish health, by Solveig M.R. Nygaard, FoMAS-Fiskehelse og Miljø AS.

Closed/semi-closed pen systems, strengths and weaknesses concerning fish health, by Torolf Storsul, Midt Norsk Havbruk AS.

New production chains, strengths and weaknesses concerning fish health, by Kasper Løberg Tangen, Deloitte Consulting.

Off-shore aquaculture, strengths and weaknesses concerning fish health, Bård Skjelstad, Salmar ASA.

See more at: https://www.vetinst.no/arrangementer/aquanor-fokus-pa-fiskevelferd#sthash.oSzifhf8.dpuf 

See also  So long, and thanks for all the fish

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