
Conference Spotlights Solutions for Valuable Exploitation of Seafood Side-streams

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By Milthon Lujan

From techniques for converting seafood side-streams into new ingredients and sorting technology for herring off-cuts to cost efficient solutions for prolonging the shelf life of side-streams significantly as well as tools to optimise the use of side-streams in production will be some of the presented solutions at the conference.

The conference “Get more value from your seafood side-streams” will take place on 24 April 2023 in Barcelona and is based on the many interesting results achieved in the European project WaSeaBi that has been running for more than three and a half years. The focus of the conference will be on the possibility of developing high value products from the side-streams that already exist in the seafood companies, which thereby should enable the seafood companies to deliver healthy products to consumers while growing their businesses. The results are based on side-streams from herring, cod, hake, salmon as well as mussel cooking water.

A sound and sustainable use of the already caught fish

With this conference we want to give the seafood industry new inspiration on ways to use seafood side-steams and show them concrete solutions that will enable them to use the side-streams for high value purposes, says Anni Simonsen, Senior Innovation Manager at Food & Bio Cluster Denmark, who is the organiser of the conference.

Today we experience, inflation, increasingly high food prices in general and very low consumer confidence. Therefore, an increased business focus on sound and sustainable use of the already caught fish is more important than ever to ensure that we make the most value of the resources available, Anni continues.

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This demands new solutions from the industry and therefore it is a pleasure to showcase knowledge and solutions from industry to industry.

During the conference you can discover how Sweden Pelagic, Barna, Royal Greenland Seafood, Pescados Marcelino and Jeka Fish have been working with concrete development of side-streams in their respective productions and how Nutrition Sciences has been working on using some of the output as ingredients in their nutritional feed products. Further, participants will have the opportunity to hear expert presentations and join the discussions about the specific solutions to the challenges of tomorrow.

Finally, the day will include a networking dinner where the participants will have the chance to network exclusively with European seafood representatives and policy makers as well as the WaSeaBi-partners.

The WaSeaBi partners hope to see you at the conference on 24 April in Barcelona. The conference takes place the day before the Seafood Expo Global on 25-27 April 2023.


We have the great opportunity to offer you conference participation free of charge, however there are only a limited number of seats, so register now to secure your seat at the conference. Register here.

The conference will take place on 24 April 2023 from 17:00-22:00 hours at Hotel Miramar Barcelona (Address: Plaça de Carlos Ibáñez, 3, 08038 Barcelona, Spain).

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