All presentations from DIVERSIFY´s Wreckfish workshop are available

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By Milthon Lujan

Vigo, Spain.- The wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) is one of the largest Polyprionidae species, reaching a size of 100 Kg, and it is found in deep-water almost throughout the world. Wreckfish is one of the most interesting new species for aquaculture, due to its fast growth, late reproductive maturation, high market price and limited fisheries landings. Its large size lends itself to processing and development of value added products, and its cosmopolitan distribution may enable EU exports.

Lack of reproduction control and established larval rearing protocols are considered major bottlenecks preventing wreckfish aquaculture.

The clear biological and economical potential of this species justifies allocation of part of the European program DIVERSIFY (FP7, GA 602131), a five-year project to advance the knowledge and its practical application in the culture of new and emerging finfish species, in order to satisfy an expanding European market for a variety of sustainable fresh fish.

More information at: https://www.diversifyfish.eu/wreckfish-workshop.html 

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