
Course: Cultivating Good Water Program: methodologies for the integral and sustainable production of goods and services for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean

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By Milthon Lujan

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and ITAIPU Binacional, the hydroelectric company property of the Governments of Brazil and Paraguay, welcomes you to the Self-Learning Course on the sustainable management of natural resources and socioproductive production methodologies: “Self-Learning Course: Cultivating Good Water Program: methodologies for the integral and sustainable production of goods and services for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean

This course is carried out within the framework of the agreement signed by FAO and ITAIPU Binacional, towards the strengthening of institutional capacities and public policies through triangular South-South cooperation.

The goal of this course is to promote reflection on the sustainable production of goods and services in forest-farming and aquicultural-fishing systems for family farming, based on the experiences and lessons learned by the Cultivating Good Water Program implemented by Itaipu in the Parana 3 Watershed, Brazil.

Both FAO and Itaipu have made a commitment to contribute to the development of capacities that encourage and foster initiatives that provide opportunities of productive chaining to family farmers, for sustainable development in the countries of the Region. Once having completed the course, and based on the reviewed themes and experiences, participants are expected to achieve a holistic view of the sustainable management of natural resources for the development of social-environmental actions.

This is how both parties, making full use of their best practices and lessons learned, offer this distance course with self-learning contents to support countries in the building of capacities and institutional strengthening. We invite you to participate in this great opportunity and to promote this material among the stakeholders involved in these topics.

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