
Use of recirculation system for tilapia hatchery

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By Milthon Lujan

The Philippines.- Former SEAFDEC/AQD Chief, *Dr. Rolando Platon, returned to SEAFDEC/AQD as the 25th Dean Domiciano K. Villaluz (DKV) Memorial Lecture speaker as he shared his experience in tilapia hatchery operation using a recirculation system.

Dr. Platon presented his techniques in producing sex-reversed tilapia fingerlings in tanks using a recirculation system. This system operates by pumping water from spawning and rearing modules to dedicated tanks for biofiltration and sedimentation to maintain water quality.

The design used one module of four tanks for spawning and two modules of four tanks each for fry rearing. Each module has two biofilters and two sedimentation tanks. The water movement (see diagram) throughout the whole circulation system is entirely powered by airlift pumps.

The cost and returns analysis of the technique showed a profit margin of 55% at the end of one year production. This figure was attained given an assumption of 70% survival from swim-up to fingerlings (size 22) and selling price of Php 1 per fingerling.

The hatchery, located in Kidapawan City, now supplies seed to fish farms surrounding the municipalities in southern Mindanao. However, according to Dr. Platon, the inland freshwater aquaculture in the area still needs intervention to further develop. Dr. Platon further mentioned the need of assistance in resource assessment, regulations, and technology transfer mechanisms (e.g. information dissemination, seminars, demo farms and extension services).

The event was held last July 7, 2017 at SEAFDEC/AQD’s Multi-Purpose Hall in Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines.


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