Researchers underscore importance of specific approach towards studying mycotoxins in aquaculture

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By Milthon Lujan

The occurrence of mycotoxins, levels of contamination and their implications entering the feed production chain by the inclusion of cereal grains have gained importance globally over the last few years, and aquaculture is no exception. The increasing awareness of mycotoxin-related issues in aquaculture is fueled by the growing trend of using plant-based ingredients such as cereal grains in aquaculture feeds.

A recent review on mycotoxins in aquaculture led by researchers including BIOMIN researchers Rui A. Gonçalves and Dian Schatzmayr has revealed the need and importance of studying in depth the effects on aquatic species caused by mycotoxins. According to the researchers, studies carried out in this field of knowledge in aquaculture are still much lower than those carried out in the terrestrial livestock sector. As a result, they add, “the regulatory limits and guidance values have been defined based on studies conducted on terrestrial farm animals.”

The aim of the review is to compile and critically assess mycotoxin occurrence and co-occurrence in aquaculture finished feeds, and understand the risk of mycotoxin carry-over in aquaculture seafood products. In addition, the researchers seek to increase the scientific community, regulatory authorities and industry be aware of the need to establish the maximum concentration levels of specific mycotoxins for aquaculture, and for foodstuffs.

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by molds due to the deterioration of the agricultural ingredients used in the production of the feed. BIOMIN, a global leader in mycotoxin risk management, has been developing tailored approaches for an effective detoxification of mycotoxins in animals through more than 20 years of scientific research.

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Rui A. Gonçalves, Dian Schatzmayr, Amaya Albalat, Simon Mackenzie. Mycotoxins in aquaculture: feed and food. Aquaculture Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12310 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/raq.12310 

Source: BIOMIN


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