
LACQUA19 – New abstract submission date

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By Milthon Lujan

The Latin American and Caribbean Aquaculture 2019 – LACQUA19 is close to take place in San José, Costa Rica at the Wyndham Herradura Hotel from November 19 to 22, 2019, this is why we want to invite you to be part of this important event which has an academic program in different areas of aquaculture and a commercial exhibit with national and international companies specialized in the commercialization of supplies and services for the aquaculture sector.


We confirm that the deadline for sending works and posters will be extended until September 20th, 2019, this giving greater opportunity for interested parties to present their work in San José. We invite you to send your work to LACQUA19 as soon as possible!

Abstracts of research results have been submitted on subjects such as Aquaculture and the environment, fish and shrimp health, aquaponic system, fish nutritional needs, shrimp culture, mariculture, standards and certifications, toxicology, Mollusks, processing technologies. among others. These abstracts have been sent by academics from different countries such as Canada, Brazil, Croatia, Mexico, Peru, USA, Colombia, Portugal, Germany and Costa Rica.


During the congress special sessions will take place, among which will have “Ingredients for Aquafeed” (DSM); “Functional Ingredients for Aquafeed” (JEFO Nutrition. And VYMISA.); “Tilapia Health” (Merk), “Innovation in Shrimp Farming” (Biomar). Additionally, there will be an industry forum where international and national companies and entities will participate sharing important information on the aquaculture business for producers.


The LACQUA19 is presented as a business opportunity for the sector, having the commercial exhibit, with the presence of national and foreign companies who represent
the whole aquaculture chain. We are pleased to confirm the participation of companies such as Jefo, VYMISA, Zinpro, Merck, Biomar, DSM, Intermas, Prilabsa, Kytola
Instruments, Grupo Rolan, Zeigler, Darling, Aker Biomarine, Solacua, Faivre, Bayer, Tectron, Igusol, Feed Pro, Technoaqua, Flint Hill Resources, Willfort Aquaculture, Calitri Techonology, K-Nikom, Reed Mariculture, Magic Valley, Wenger, ESE Intec, Grupo Trisan, Additionally we will have integration spaces such as the “happy hour” and coctail with the president of the World Aquaculture Society.

See also  World Aquaculture 2021 will be held in Merida, Mexico

Finally, we’d like to thank our session sponsors Merck, Biomar, DSM, Jefo and VYMISA as well as WAS premium sponsors Darling, Zeigler, Blue Aqua and Kemin.
Information on how to participate as an assistant or sponsor, hotels and technical visits can be found at

For more information you can contact:
Carolina Amézquita

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