
Invitation and programme of the next PHYCOMORPH meeting

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By Milthon Lujan

The European COST Action PHYCOMORPH (FA1406) will present its annual report on macroalgal growth, development and reproduction, in Brussels, 2-4 October 2017.

Despite the fact that macroalgae were amongst the first multicellular eukaryotes to emerge on earth (1.2 billion years ago), almost nothing is known about the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in their development.

This year, a special attention is given to early-stage researchers. You can read the programme here

The meeting will take place in the premises of the COST Association, avenue Louise, Brussels (more info here

The attendance is free, but limited in space. If you wish to attend the meeting, please send an email to

PHYCOMORPH is an international academic network comprising research teams dedicated to the identification of the biological events governing the development of macroalgae.


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