INvertebrateIT, a new innovative project for a competitive and sustainable European aquaculture

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By Milthon Lujan

Coordinated by Innogate to Europe (INNO) from Spain, this two-year project brings together 7 partners from five countries across Europe. The overarching aim of this project is to promote and exploit the value chain of production of invertebrates, such as insects, for sustainable fish feeds, competitive aquaculture and integrated waste management.

INvertebrateIT aims to help aquaculture operators mitigate their current dependence on costly, volatile, and often unsustainable fish feeds, to diversify their business and to contribute to a better management of valuable organic waste and/or new algal substrates for invertebrate production. This proposed integrated scheme builds on available technology in insect production and strategic policy for the aquaculture and waste sectors.

INvertebrateIT officially began on 1 April 2017 and will run until March 2019. The starting point of this venture has been the project kick-off meeting, held in Porto (Portugal) from 6-7 June 2017, where representatives from all partner organisations met to discuss the project activities to be undertaken, with the main focus on the actions of the first year.

More information at http://invertebrateitproject.eu/

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