Innovative Solutions for Nutritious, Safe and Sustainable Seafood in Europe

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By Milthon Lujan

Ireland.- SEAFOODTOMORROW is a new, €7m European Union Horizon 2020-funded project that aims to develop innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood in Europe. Addressing the challenge to meet the growing market need for safe and sustainable seafood, the project will generate new knowledge to develop commercial solutions for improving the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of the European seafood production and processing industry.

It is projected that by 2050, population and economic growth will result in a doubling of demand for food globally. One of the main challenges this century is ensuring food production and consumption is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. Seafood is one of the most important food commodities consumed in Europe as it is an important source of animal protein and is naturally rich with valuable nutrients for a healthy diet. It is therefore vital to develop new, environmentally friendly and transparent seafood production and processing methods that will underpin seafood security in-line with market demands.

The three-year SEAFOODTOMORROW project brings together 35 partners from across Europe with the most up-to-date technological development and market-oriented expertise to meet these challenges. The project was recently launched at the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) headquarters in Lisbon (Portugal), with all partners meeting for the kick-off event from 21-23 November 2017. Project co-ordinator, António Marques IPMA, said: “The SEAFOODTOMORROW kick-off meeting gathered the key players from all partner institutions for the first time. The intense discussions and unanimous decisions made at the meeting are clear evidence of the proactivity of the consortium. All partners are driven towards a common ambitious goal: ensuring the success of validated, eco-innovative, sustainable solutions that improve safety and dietary properties of seafood, to be developed in the project. Now it is time to move forward and keep this collaborative and proactive spirit alive.”

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With a strong focus on innovation, SEAFOODTOMORROW works directly with recognised industry experts and innovation institutions with proven track records. The project has put knowledge management structures in place that ensure the project’s innovative solutions will be transferred to relevant end users in the seafood production and processing sectors. Using this comprehensive approach, SEAFOODTOMORROW offers a strong and transdisciplinary partnership that is addressing food security challenges by finding innovative solutions for seafood and associated environmental issues. The kick-off meeting was an overall success, with the partnership keen to build on the firm foundations set in Lisbon.

The SEAFOODTOMORROW website will be coming soon at www.seafoodtomorrow.eu . If you would like to know more about the SEAFOODTOMORROW project or to receive regular updates on its progress, please follow us on Twitter (@SEAFOOD_TMRW), or contact the project Communication Officer, Emer Cooney (email: emer@aquatt.ie or Tel: 00353 1 644 9008).

– SEAFOODTOMORROW project: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/212397_en.html 

Source: Cordis

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