
Industry and Government Partnering to Realize the Potential of Sustainable Aquaculture Growth

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By Milthon Lujan

Canada.- The Honourable Dwight Ball, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, was joined today by members of the Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association (NAIA); Ministers of the Cabinet Committee on Jobs; community, academic, and business leaders; and high school and university students for the launch of 28 actions that will promote new careers and bright futures through sustainable aquaculture development.

Actions to support growth within the aquaculture industry include:

– Responding to the human resource needs of the industry with tailored labour market supports, immigration attraction, and efforts to help make youth aware of opportunities in aquaculture;

– Responding to the capital and infrastructure needs of the industry by adjusting government funding programs and exploring partnership opportunities to develop facilities that strengthen the value chain for mussel and salmon producers;

– Responding to the public awareness and market access needs of the industry by developing a marketing strategy that promotes products and builds public trust;

– Responding to the needs of provincial entrepreneurs by promoting opportunities for aquaculture supply and service companies, which in turn creates new employment and maximizes industry competitiveness; and

– Responding to the public’s need for sustainable aquaculture development by reviewing all provincial policies related to aquaculture, including the provincial Code of Containment and other measures used to promote sustainability, which ensures the province remains a leader in best practices for years to come.

The Provincial Government and NAIA share a goal to grow salmon production to 50,000 metric tonnes annually, and grow mussel production to 10,750 metric tonnes annually. In achieving these targets, the number of year-round jobs supported by aquaculture will more than double, from 1,000 to 2,100. In addition to pursuing positive employment and economic outcomes, the Provincial Government also placed priority on increasing provincial food self-sufficiency and leveraging the world class training provided to students of the Marine Institute. All actions included in the new sector work plan released today will be fully operationalized within 20 months. A copy of the sector work plan and other materials presented at the aquaculture industry summit can be found online at:

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As part of The Way Forward vision, the Provincial Government is directly engaging the aquaculture, agriculture, and technology sectors to address industry needs in ways that result in new employment and economic activity throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. The next industry summit will be held with the agriculture industry this fall, and the technology summit will follow in early 2018.

“Our vision for the future of Newfoundland and Labrador is a place where potential is realized, and opportunities abound. Through unprecedented partnerships with high potential industries like the aquaculture sector, our government is fostering the economic development, innovation, and job creation needed to support bright futures for people and families throughout our province.”
Honourable Dwight Ball
Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador

“Working with industry, we have identified what the aquaculture sector needs to grow sustainably, and we will create economic gains together while adhering to environmental best practice. Together, we are creating new opportunities for people who want to build their lives and careers here at home, and the generations that follow.”
Honourable Gerry Byrne
Minister of Fisheries and Land Resources

“Aquaculture generated a record $276 million for the provincial economy last year. While this is good news, the real excitement comes from knowing there is potential for even more economic success, not only from direct aquaculture activity, but also spin off employment in processing, transportation, service and supply. Our industry appreciates the opportunity to work with the Provincial Government to realize this potential, and we look forward to advancing the sector work plan that we have created together.”
Mark Lane
Executive Director of the Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association

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Aquaculture Summit Web Page – 

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