
Farming shrimp in Poland: Increasing the potential of recirculating aquaculture systems

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By Milthon Lujan

Poland.- The pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei is the most common shrimp species in aquaculture farming in the western hemisphere. Its high tolerance to a wide range of salinity levels makes it a suitable and attractive species for coastal as well as inland farming. Despite the Baltic Sea being brackish, the pacific white shrimps’ preferred habitat, no attempts have been made so far to culture it in the Pomeranian region.

Therefore, the University of Gdansk will conduct a small-scale laboratory study to determine how different factors in various combinations effect the pacific white shrimp’s survival rate, basic physiological processes, protein content and weight gain. University of Gdansk will then evaluate the sustainability of RAS farmed crustaceans, using the results of the NMFRI research on the quality of shrimps imported to the Polish market. Subsequently, this study will provide the necessary information to successfully manage a potential aquaculture and optimize production conditions in the Pomeranian and Baltic Sea region.

Environmental and economic benefits

Recirculating aquaculture systems provide an excellent alternative to traditional fisheries and as such contribute towards protecting the environment and living resources in the sea. There are great opportunities in breeding native and non-native species in the Baltic Sea Region as RAS allow for more intensive farming including a higher level of reproduction and growth. Farming crustcean species to produce a multitude of products would no doubt strenghten regional economic development. Moreover, it would be a great chance to develop innovative technology and tap into a promising market for shrimps in the Pomeranian region.

A healthy business model and happy customers

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Apart from analysing the potential of shrimp production in Pomerania, this pilot project will also focus on socio-economic issues such as consumer perception, confidence issues, scientific knowledge and regulation gaps associated with innovative aquaculture systems. Research on media and regulations constraints, stakeholder mapping, communication and educational campaigns will raise awareness and identify barriers for the shrimp to become a high value commodity on the market.

The project aims at developing recommendations for crustacean farming to inform businesses on available technology and best practices.


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