
ASSEMBLE Plus – Remote Access to algal strains and Transnational access opportunity

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By Milthon Lujan

UK.- ASSEMBLEPlus is a European H2020 programme which allows free access to strains in CCAP or RCC if you are applying from a different country and can submit an acceptable scientific proposal using marine organisms. This is known as Remote Access but there is also the opportunity to carry out a part of your research project for free, at any of the over 30 marine stations and institutes in Europe and overseas by Transnational Access.

Apply to the 5th call of the “Transnational Access” of ASSEMBLE Plus!

ASSEMBLE Plus is a consortium integrating over 30 marine biological stations and institutes in 16 countries in Europe and overseas. It provides scientists from academia, industry and policy with research services in the field of marine biology for ecosystem access, maintenance and culture of marine organisms, microscopy, molecular biology, biochemical and biological analysis, bioinformatics and more!

In the Transnational Access programme, ASSEMBLE Plus will cover the costs for a maximum of two persons per project for a maximum of 30 days to gain access to laboratories, research services, and standard disposables.

In addition, the Access Provider will reimburse costs of the visit (travel, accommodation and meals) and of shipment of biological resources.

More information and how to apply on 

Next deadline for project submission (5th call): 11 October 2019.
Period of access (5th call): December 2019 – May 2020

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