
Aker ASA: SalMar Aker Ocean established

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By Milthon Lujan

Oslo, Norway – Reference is made to the announcement on 26 August 2021 regarding the entering into of a strategic partnership with SalMar ASA (“SalMar”) to establish a global offshore aquaculture company. The closing of the transaction has now taken place and the new joint company, SalMar Aker Ocean AS (“Salmar Aker Ocean”) has been established.

SalMar Aker Ocean will operate within offshore fish farming, including offshore and semi-offshore. By combining Aker and SalMar’s industry experience, leading competence in salmon production, software, and cleantech the aim is to create the world’s most reliable and intelligent offshore farming operations with the highest requirements for fish welfare and a zero-emissions value chain ambition.

SalMar Aker Ocean will be at the forefront of ensuring sustainable growth on the salmon’s terms. The company will initially focus on establishment of offshore fish farming in Norwegian waters, which will require establishment of a regulatory framework for offshore fish farming. SalMar Aker Ocean will collaborate with Norwegian authorities, the aquaculture industry, and other interested parties for the establishment of a regulatory framework.

Atle Eide will chair the Board of Directors of SalMar Aker Ocean and Gustav Witzøe, Kjell Inge Røkke, Øyvind Eriksen and Torger Rød will take on the positions as board members from today. As announced by SalMar on 9 November 2021, the company has started a process for the recruitment of a new CEO, as the current CEO of SalMar Aker Ocean Olav Andreas Ervik will step down from the position during the spring 2022, but continue as an advisor to the company.

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“SalMar Aker Ocean and its owners look forward to join forces developing offshore aquaculture as an important contributor to the future supply of healthy seafood globally,” says CEO in SalMar ASA Gustav Witzøe.

“The efficient closing process underlines SalMar’s and Aker’s dedication to be at the forefront of ensuring sustainable growth in the aquaculture industry”, says Witzøe.

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