
EU fish consumption is growing while fish imports are the lifeblood of the processing industry!

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By Milthon Lujan

Brussels.- The 2017 AIPCE-CEP Finfish Study provides key figures on recent developments in the EU seafood market. This study has been prepared since 1992 and provides a unique record and commentary of our industry. It delivers factual information on actual performance and future trends of the trade in fish, too exemplify the need for imported seafood to produce added value seafood within Europe.

These imports have been the lifeblood of the industry for many years and fulfil an essential role.

Main findings for the year 2016 include:

– Total market supply increased to 14.4 million tonnes
– Imported volume is up to 9.20 million tonnes
– All species total EU catches down at 4.6 % at 4.762 million tonnes
– Share of imports slightly up at 64 %
– Net consumption up 0.6 kg/capita to 24.5 kg/capita
– EU catches for whitefish species have decreased 0.2 % and quota utilization has fallen significantly to 77.7 %.
– Fish Exports down by 4.2 % to 1.927 million tonnes
– Wild capture whitefish import dependency raised to 88.9 %
– Salmon is the No 1 species by live weight but tuna and cod all above 1 million tonnes of resource use – significant in global terms
– Trend for primary processing in Europe appears to be consolidating
– Internal supply is showing signs of recovery but imports remain the backbone of the industry

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